A Q&A with Carley and Caren
Meet Caren: my minivan.
This is not a blog about Caren. It's a blog about my thoughts and experiences. However, since Caren has been such an integral part of my life over the past year, I'm dedicating this first post to her.
If a blog about my life sounds boring to you, consider that in the past six months, I've almost been trapped in a bison range, accidentally sat in on a grassroots anti-Trump party meeting, beat an old lady out of a GoodWill dress, pulled an all-nighter in the back of Caren at a state park to watch the sunrise, stayed in an old jail, almost been hit in the head by a pool ball falling into the pool, made a Lego me, hiked two miles to this yurt in the dark, and assumed a police car was my Lyft (it was dark) only to have my Lyft driver pull up to find me standing in front of a cop car with its flashing lights on.
Carley (this blog's author) and Caren.
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It's Q&A Time!
***everyone's username is for their Instagram***
***everyone's username is for their Instagram***
How old are you?
Carley: 18
Caren: 14 (she's a 2006 Dodge Caravan)
What's your Zodiac sign?
Carley: Aquarius
Caren: probably Taurus
@xaviermichaelyoung asks, "What do you think happens after we die?"
Carley: I believe in reincarnation, but I also believe in the void or some kind of ascension. I don't know if there are levels to reincarnation like the Buddhists believe, but I was one of those kids who talked about their past lives; until the age of five, I was convinced I was an older woman named Ruby who was murdered by her husband. My mom is also convinced that my childhood dog was her brother reincarnated.
Caren: We get a jumpstart from a friend and come back to life. 'Nough said.
@willbergmarryn asks, "How did you get your name?"
Carley: I have two older half-brothers named Carl and Casey. My mom took the C-A-R-L from Carl and the E-Y from Casey and made my name.
Caren: Carley's friend Gracelyn (@gracelyn._.anderson) named me after those Karen memes but her friend X was the one who suggested we spell it C-A-R-e-n.
@ryan_korby asks, "What's your favorite food?"
Carley: Pasta and desserts
@clarissaadavidson asks, "What's your favorite place you've been?"
Carley: Anywhere from the time the sun sets until about 8 am because everything looks better in the golden hour of dusk or the black-blue of night. So a midnight Walmart run with my friends is just as beautiful to me as a sunrise over a canyon in Yellowstone.
Caren: Probably the jail Airbnb in Wykoff, MN. The cornfields in that area are just lovely and the kids had a lot of fun there.
@dream_catcher_peace asks, "Do you ever get stressed?"
Carley: All the time. But I manage it with hot tea, meditation, and yoga.
Caren: Mountains. My engine locks up just thinking about them.
@dream_catcher_peace asks, "Do you ever get stressed?"
Carley: All the time. But I manage it with hot tea, meditation, and yoga.
Caren: Mountains. My engine locks up just thinking about them.
@kassidyrosemary asks, "What's your favorite book?"
Carley: That's really difficult. A book I read this year that stands out to me is The Secret Place by Tana French. It's a coming of age novel that's also a murder mystery, with a hint of witchcraft. I was most impressed with the way the book navigates from the perspective of teenagers to that of a young adult without sounding forced.
Caren: Minimalistic Living: How to Live in a Van and Get Off The Grid by Mary Solomon
@kassidyrosemary also asks, "What's your favorite type of chips?"
Carley: Oven-baked chips: potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, even kale, you bake it in the oven and it becomes delicious.
Caren: Fish and chips (fries). Does that count?
My least favorite? Hot Cheetos. That dust never comes out of my carpet.
@dream_catcher_peace asks, "What makes you feel happy?"
Carley: Spending time with my friends, family, and Caren.
Caren: Sleeping.
My least favorite? Hot Cheetos. That dust never comes out of my carpet.
@dream_catcher_peace asks, "What makes you feel happy?"
Carley: Spending time with my friends, family, and Caren.
Caren: Sleeping.
Carley: I love it, but I also like when someone else drives and I get to fully soak up the scenery.
Caren: Not really, because it feels more like my job. I do enjoy having a destination because I feel accomplished when we arrive.
@dream_catcher_peace asks, "Is there anything you wish you had?"
Carley: Not really. I try to keep my expectations low so I'm pleasantly surprised when things go well.
Caren: A new stereo with an aux and a center consul. But I also don't want to change the way I look because I wouldn't feel like myself anymore.
Questions Just for Caren
@_eve_2 asks, "Do you feel like a more superior van because of your extensive miles?"
Caren: I wouldn't say I feel superior, but I've definitely seen a lot of places that younger vehicles with only a few thousand miles couldn't even imagine. I'm almost at 208,000 miles, and I'm good for another hundred thousand, but it is sad thinking that two-thirds of my life has already driven by.
@sewer_pancake asks, "How long do you think you can continue putting up with road trips with teenagers?"
Caren: I'm a teenager myself so I feed off their chaotic energy. We definitely have to do something about the mess though...
@claudia_vincent asks, "What is the weirdest thing that has been spilled on the carpet?"
Caren: Let's just say there's been a lot of tea spilled inside of me.
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